OPAL makes baseball field in Texas accessible

  • Product: Genesis OPAL
  • Installed by: Lift Aids Inc.
  • Location: Prestonwood Christian Academy’s Graham Baseball Field, Plano, Texas, USA
  • Installation year: 2016

Baseball is a sport close to the American heart. That is why Garaventa Lift was thrilled to be included in the baseball field’s upgrade at the Prestonwood Christian Academy in Plano, Texas.

In 2016, the baseball field got a new design, and two OPAL lifts were installed by our local dealer Lift Aids. The vertical lifts are located at both dugouts (team’s benches). This lift not only ensures accessibility but also helps the team spirit with an inclusive design that allows welcoming anyone to their dugouts.



About the Genesis OPAL: 

The Genesis OPAL vertical lift easily transports passengers up and down short vertical distances, for applications such as stages and porches. The platform walls, platform gate and optional automatic folding ramp travel with the platform creating a safety barrier around the passenger.


  • Low cost
  • Fast installation
  • Ideal for stage access

Did you install an outstanding lift recently? Do you think one of your projects deserves to be Project of the Month? Send us pictures and a short story of your latest project at marketing@garaventalift.com


Have a glimpse of the Graham Baseball Field 

Shive-Hattery was the architecture engineering consulting firm for the Graham Field project.  They did a great video capturing the new features of the field including the Garaventa Lift Genesis OPAL (00:59).


Video and photos courtesy of Shive-Hattery

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