Gondola in Colorado gets accessible with a Genesis Enclosure

  • Product: Genesis Enclosure
  • Installed by: Morning Star Elevator
  • Location: Peak 8 Gondola at Breckenridge Colorado, USA
  • Installation year: 2021

In the middle of the Breckenridge ski region in Colorado, USA you will find a new Genesis Enclosure. Our dealer Morning Star Elevator installed the lift at the Peak 8 Gondola deck – the largest gondola passenger through deck in the USA. 

For this unique project special isolators were used at the top of the landing considering the vibration of the gondola deck. In addition, the team installed a stand alone support steel for the mast to comply with the gondola structure. The project turned out great and the Genesis Enclosure fits right into the winter wonderland in Breckenridge. 

Thank you Morning Star Elevator for submitting this extraordinary project and for carrying forward the Garaventa Lift brand!


About the Genesis Enclosure: 

The Genesis Enclosure Model is a vertical platform wheelchair lift that provides access in private or commercial buildings. No shaft construction is needed, and a variety of optional features allow for extensive customization for your individual project.


  • Designed to fit your stairway
  • Indoor / Outdoor
  • Space Saver

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